Squad One
is our new apparatus just delivered July 18, 2002 (click on any picture for a larger
It's a 12-foot "non-walk-in" light-and-air vehicle on a Ford F-550 4 X 4
The apparatus has seven compartments with heavy-duty custom-made conventional
doors featuring a variety of shelves and trays, as well as a Stokes basket
storage rack and pike-pole storage tubes.
120v electrical system includes: two electric cord reels, a 120V/15A receptacle,
a 240V/20A receptacle, two 500-watt telescopic quartz lights, two 750-watt
tripod quartz lights and a 6,000-watt Will-Burt light tower powered by a 10kw
Onan generator mounted between the wheel well compartments.
cascade system includes: four 6,000 psi DOT bottles located between the wheel
well compartments, a Sierra booster pump, an Eagle Sidewinder fill enclosure, a
high-pressure air reel, and low-pressure air reel and storage for 16 spare air
cylinders. Other features include a Ramsey winch guard with a 12,000-lb. winch,
a roof access ladder, a Whelen Traffic Advisor, a Whelen strobe lighting package
and rear mounted hitch. The apparatus was manufactured by Emergency Vehicles
Inc. of Lake Park, Florida.